The prestigious National Geographic Society has reported that scientists studying DNA have now confirmed that “Europeans as a people are younger than we thought.” Using the unbiased measure of genetic science they point to the same birth date for the European as did The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Prof. Alan Cooper, director of the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA at the University of Adelaide, analyzed DNA from ancient skeletons and found that the genetic makeup of modern Europe was established just 6,500 years ago.
It is Mr. Muhammad who, in the face of much mockery and ridicule, taught that the White man first appeared 6,000 years ago on the Island of Patmos (or Pelan), in the Aegean Sea, where they had been “made” by a 600-year process of selective breeding called “grafting.” Under the command of a Black scientist named Yakub, the 59,999 Blacks who came with Yakub to the island were placed under a system of mating that was based on skin color, in which only lighter-complexioned babies were allowed to survive. Over the course of many generations the population of Patmos began to grow lighter and lighter until, after 600 years, the people became very pale with blue eyes and blonde hair. From this island-based tribe of white-skinned albinos came a behaviorally aggressive race of rulers—namely, the Caucasians—who then spread into every corner of the world and who now represent 9 percent of the world population (1 in every 11 human beings).
Dr. Jonathan Pritchard estimates that the point in time when the genes of the Asian and European populations were altered was 6,600 years ago—the exact date that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that Mr. Yakub began his Patmos Island grafting process!
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