By The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.
One of the most beautiful things about the religion of Islam is that it offers to all who accept it security, it gives them peace and contentment of mind. Louis, Jr., brought us all together today. I wanted to personally thank all of you for the kind of love that you showed to Louis, Jr., his family, Mother Khadijah Farrakhan and me. You came to strengthen us, and we felt it, and we appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
![]() The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan speaks at repast which was also an iftar (breaking of Ramadan fast) in the gymnasium of Muhammad University of Islam. The Minister thanked the many supporters and friends who gathered to pay tribute to his eldest son, Louis Farrakhan, Jr., Min. Farrakhan’s daughter, Fatima (standing at right) and family members look on. Bottom: Series of photos of Louis Farrakhan, Jr., with members of his family. Photo: Andrea Muhammad
Knowing my son, he was always a study. And, you could never think that you knew him because he was always giving you something more to think about. He was a deep visionary. He used to speak so far ahead of time. When people can outthink their contemporaries, the contemporary looks at the thinker and thinks that the thinker is a little off. That’s natural for those of us who are not on the level of such focus.
I used to tell my son, “Son, you can’t start people from where you are because then they’ll think strange things about you.” I said, “Start them from where they are and then gradually move them to your vision.”
From a young child, Louis, Jr., was unique as brother imam Ishmael Muhammad said so beautifully today, he really captured the spirit, the mind, the heart of Louis and he brought Louis up out of the box, front and center into the room. So, I thank Brother Ishmael Muhammad for the wonderful job he did today.
When Louis, Jr., was out in Phoenix, they asked, “Lou, when are you coming back to Chicago?” He said, “When the party is over.” That was so profound because he was having a wonderful time in Arizona with the Believing Community, with the people, the family, the friends and at the same time he was having a little difficulty with the heart. But Louis did not wish that we would be concerned about him.
Louis, I think, was playing the part that he wanted to play up to the end. It’s a hell of a thing for a man to see the end and he’s making everybody around him happy because he wanted to create joy; and the joy of this day is that some of what he suffered a lot about was the division between the communities of Islam.
Today, there was that sign of genuine love across different community lines and especially in the families of Muhammad and Farrakhan that I think would make Louis exceedingly happy that on his passing he accomplished what he wanted for us all.
His children were blessed to have a visionary as a father, and there’s a lot that he imparted to his children of his vision for the Nation of Islam. He is not here to fulfill it, but we are. And it should not only be a personal journey for the children that he wanted to do A or B or C, the most important thing to Louis was the vision of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
Elijah Muhammad wanted us in a vanguard position. He didn’t want us following others. He wanted us to be what the Qur’an says: “You are the best nation raised among men for you enjoin good and you forbid what is evil.”
I come out tonight just to say thank you and to thank Louis personally for being an intermediary between his father and the people. The Minister does not get out among the people and that’s not the way the Messenger raised me to be out cavorting, so to speak, and so you don’t see much of me except in the mosque. And if we catch a glimpse of each other at a restaurant, which I very seldom get a chance to do, that’s where I feel the love of the people.
I did not know so much love was out there in the streets, but Louis helped to create it because of his manner, his method, the beauty of his heart. It touched those who came from near and far to be here to celebrate his life.
He was a great representative of what Islam should bring about in family and among us in a real strong, devoted brother. Your being here is a testimony to who Louis really is. I pray that this is not just a wonderful Iftar, and breaking of the fast, and celebrating the Life of Louis. I pray that the beauty of that man will inspire us to continue on the path of Islam.
Let this be the first day of a new day for our families, for our Nation. God always uses the sacrifice of somebody’s suffering to bring people who have feelings of bitterness out of their mouths.
Louis would not take no for an answer. He went where he wanted to go, met with who he wanted to meet with, laughed and joked with people. So, the party is not over but he did come home. That party ended but the real party is making his vision, which is the vision of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, real.
May Allah bless each and every one of you and I hope you had a beautiful evening. And to Louis’ family, I just wanted to look at you. His son, Mutawakkil, is graduating from high school and will be, God willing, entering college. Every one of Louis’ children is special, not that your children aren’t.
Louis had a certain spin that he put on his children through Lesil Farrakhan, the mother of these children. Louis’ name will live not only because of the work that he’s done but because of what he implanted in the hearts and minds of his children and I believe they will fulfill it. Thank you.
As-Salaam Alaikum.
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