P.S.A./Media Alert
To: Local Media
From: Activist Deric Muhammad
Re: Citywide “Stop the Violence Day”
October 23, 2013
This Sunday, October 27th, has been declared Citywide “Stop the Violence Day” in Houston. The recent rise of jaw-dropping violence, particularly in inner-city neighborhoods has prompted this call to action. We don’t think we should sit idly while our city becomes “the next Chicago” as it relates to violence and murder. Hundreds of pastors have been encouraged to preach a Stop the Violence message from their pulpits that Sunday morning and commitments to do so are coming in every day. Houstonians are being asked to flood social media with Stop the Violence posts expressing their concern about violent crime in our city using the hash tag #StoptheViolenceinHtown.
The morning activities will culminate into an afternoon “STOP THE VIOLENCE” Rally to be held in the Cuney Homes Housing Projects (3260 Truxillo). It starts at 4pm. Our guest speaker will be nationally acclaimed gang expert, former gang leader, Arthur “Silky Slim” Reed of Stop the Killing Inc. based in Baton Rouge, La. Mr. Reed will also be appearing on Bishop T.D. Jakes’ new talk show “Mind, Body and Soul” on the same day (Oct. 27th) discussing the issue of Violence in our Communities.
Note: Please help us spread this message and give this noble effort the coverage it is due. Every night the news stations and print media are forced to report the increasing extreme violence and murder in our city. We humbly ask that we give equal opportunity to the coverage of an effort to do something about it. Thank you.
-Deric Muhammad