The weekend of April 25, 2015 will live on in St. Louis, Missouri’s history for a very long time. Brother Jesse Muhammad of Houston, Texas was invited by the St. Louis Farrakhan Twitter Army to bring the social media message of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to the city.
Brother Jesse had already taken his message to many major cities before arriving into St. Louis and it was important to get him in the city as quickly as possible. It took just an email to get the ball rolling in the right direction.
Brother Jesse told me had never been to St. Louis, but he knew lots of people from the Ferguson area from his/their online presence. He was very interested in seeing the memorial site of Mike Brown.
Accompanying Brother Jesse for The Teachings Tour was Hip-Hop Artist Brother Michael 6X from Cincinnati, Ohio. They were given a grand tour of Muhammad Mosque 28 as well as the city of Ferguson by Student Minister Donald Muhammad.
The program started with a dynamic performance by Brother Michael 6X, who taught the crowd the hooks to his lyrics so they could sing along in a participation style rap. The crowd was so excited to hear Brother Michael 6X perform. He gave a show stopping performance.
Brother Jesse Muhammad then gave an awesome overview of how and why he started the online presence of Minister Louis Farrakhan via social media. Brother Jesse Muhammad is personally responsible for maintaining the social media accounts of the Minister Farrakhan’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages.
Many of the people that attended the program were not aware of the importance of social media nor aware of the importance of Minister Farrakhan’s presence and influence via social media. Sister T’Asia Muhammad said, “St. Louis needed this, we needed Brother Jesse to come and explain WHY we need to be on social media”. She went on to further explain, “Bro Jesse told us about a person who was looking for a mosque for 2 years, we can help get our people locally and still help The Minister nationally on social media”. Buy desyrel online
The social media presence in many cities is youth based or youth led, but in St. Louis we consider our youth to go up to at least the age of 45 (laughing). So many that attended were much older than would be expected at a social media meetup. We had many older members of the mosque who wanted to know how they can get on social media to share how much they love and support the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Brother Al Lee of Muhammad Mosque 28B, East St. Louis said, “I’m on the internet, am I there?” He wanted to know if he was on social media. Everyone chuckled, but he was serious in wanting to know what he needed to do to get the message of Minister Farrakhan out to his friends and family via social media. The program ended with a Q and A session, a viewing of The Time and What Must Be Done, CD’s and books being purchased and autographed by Brother Jesse and Bro Michael. The night did not end before pictures were taken and a few “us-sies”. Buy celexa online
Bro Sean Muhammad stated, “It was an overall awesome experience, even for someone like me who’s been surfing the information superhighway and on various social media outlets, since the late ‘90s! Bro. Jesse brought it right down to Modern times, and he made it easy enough for the elders to understand, yet kept it ‘hip’ and ‘moving’ enough for us youngsters (smile) to remain attentive. I thank The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for allowing our brother to champion this mission, and I want to let The Minister know what a spectacular job he did representing him and the #FarrakhanTwitterArmy!!!”
The next day Bro Jesse gave the main lecture at Muhammad Mosque 28 and it was funny, intense, spiritual, moving and overall a perfect example of why Minister Farrakhan needs witness bearers of his work and mission. Bro Jesse had the crowd on their feet throughout most of his lecture, he had so much witness bearing, and I thought we were at a Baptist Church. His words on how Minister Farrakhan loves his people so much even while he is experiencing pain and ailment, his first thought are always on the Believers. I was moved to tears hearing Bro Jesse speak of the commitment of The Minister and how he loves our people so much. Buy effexor online
Bro Jesse ended his St. Louis experience by visiting and speaking to 3 area schools. He was able to speak to the youth at Muhammad Educational Center run by Sister Kimberly Muhammad, Muhammad Islamic Academy run by Brother Ibrahim and Sister Janiece Muhammad and a local St. Louis alternative school, Innovative Concepts Academy.
Missouri is known as “The Show Me State” and Brother Jesse showed us in St. Louis, how you carry yourself online, how to be an example of your word as well as how to represent self, our Nation and Minister Louis Farrakhan. Brother Jesse, you are welcome back to St. Louis anytime.
Peace & Blessings,
Sister T’Lisa Muhammad
Muhammad Mosque 28 Sunday Photos by Cartan Muhammad
All Other Photos via Jesse Muhammad Facebook
Bring The Teachings Tour to YOUR City!
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Follow Brother Jesse on social media:
IG: BrotherJesse
Follow Minister Farrakhan on social media:
IG: LouisFarrakhan
Re-watch and Share the 58-week lecture series “The Time and What Must Be Done” by visiting: