My first time hearing The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was in 2007 on YouTube. I was introduced to him by my 10th grade teacher. I remember watching and listening to the video in such amazement. I was shocked at all the facts and truths, which I did not know of, that he was sharing. He was so passionate and adamant about what he was teaching. I had never heard anyone speak the way he did. I had never seen an audience respond in the way they did for him. I was amazed and I knew that this man had to be someone special. After that day I began searching and listening to more of his lectures on my own.
As the years went on, I became more interested in not only him but the Nation of Islam as a whole. Because of Minister Farrakhan and what he teaches, I have been exposed to a different way of life, living, and thinking. Every day I’m constantly asking myself, what is it that I can do to help The Honorable Minister Farrakhan in this mission. The Minister has done so much; he has put his life and his family’s lives on the line and battlefield in order to save and guide God’s people. When I get a chance to hear the Minister live or via webcast, I get so excited because I know I am about to hear a message that I will be able to take with me to learn and grow from. I know that after hearing him that I will not leave the same way I came nor think the same way.
The Minister is such a beautiful person, inside and out. He doesn’t hide the truth from anyone or for anything. I admire how strong of a Man of God he is and I can honestly say had I not been introduced to him and the teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, I know I would not be the person and woman I am today.
Thank you to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and Happy Saviours’ Day!
Peace & Blessings,
Andreau Berry