[Source: Take Another Look]
The highest form of expression through social media on display with publication of new book
by Ashahed M. Muhammad

The “conventional wisdom” is that smartphones and social media applications such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are responsible for youth no longer reading books and a general lack of appreciation for long form journalism.

Many are aware of the legion of young Muslims within the Nation of Islam who have assembled what is known as the “Farrakhan Twitter Army.” The young men and women diligently spread key video clips and quotes from Minister Farrakhan’s historic paradigm-shifting lecture series “The Time and What Must Be Done,” which aired during the entire year of 2013 and into the beginning of 2014.
Minister Farrakhan tweets regularly from his Twitter account answering questions from the over 224,000 that follow him. I feel a special connection to the Farrakhan Twitter Army having moderated the #AskFarrakhan Social Media Town Hall September 26, 2012—which really introduced the world to Minister Farrakhan’s presence within the social media landscape in a major way.
Some complain about the younger generation’s refusal to read and often criticize their methods of expression, but the realities on the ground are different for the Nation of Islam’s youth, and perhaps we are witnessing a positive shift in the reading habits of youth in general. I’ve seen more teenagers and “twenty-somethings” carrying this book around, posting quotes from it on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter—and posting pictures of themselves reading it—than any book in recent memory.
Clearly, these youth still enjoy reading. Perhaps writers and publishers should pay more attention to the method of delivery, and content.
As it relates to the form factor, it is a little pocket-sized book, and because the content is comprised of tweets, it is a fast read. Minister Farrakhan answers the questions of those seeking information related to Nation of Islam doctrine while at the same time demolishing deliberately spread lies and misunderstandings related to misleading reports in the controlled media and posted by ill-intentioned miscreants of the Internet world.
– Have questions about Dianetics, the possible benefits of auditing or the Nation of Islam’s interaction with the Church of Scientology? Pages 10 and 64– Questions about the color of Prophet Muhammad? Page 6
– Heard conflicting information about The Nation of Islam and Ramadan? Pages 7 and 76
– Need information regarding Min. Farrakhan’s controversy involving the Jewish community and his being prevented from speaking on college campuses across America? Pages 17 and 18
Quick micro-bursts of data slicing through the foggy swamp of disinformation. Just that quick you will have your answers. The Teachings 2.0 is an invaluable outreach tool whether in your neighborhoods, on campus, or as a student in the ministry because the book actually serves as a compilation of FAQs you are likely to encounter.

There is no index, which I think is actually good, because the data continuously flows giving you an idea of Minister Farrakhan’s stream of consciousness as he goes from one subject to another delivering timeless wisdom and wide-ranging guidance through his answers to the relevant questions of the day.
The Minister never reviews the questions in advance. Having been involved in many national and international interview situations with him, I bear witness that this is his preference, and what you are reading is the absolute truth!
Leaders and prominent personalities are often viewed by those who admire them as inaccessible. You will see that Minister Farrakhan—through social media—is interacting with people from across the globe who can directly present questions to him. There are many athletes and entertainers who answer questions on Twitter from the public every once in a while, but who promises to answer each and every query, and actually works to do it? Minister Farrakhan does.
When you finish reading the book, you’ll want to read more—and you’ll want more of The Minister’s clear answers. Not to worry! This is only Volume One! You can look forward to many more tweets from Minister Farrakhan as we move into the future, and an e-book format is reportedly in the works.

As for the youth, we should be proud of them and continue to encourage them. A debt of gratitude goes to the leader of the Farrakhan Twitter Army, Brother Jesse Muhammad, whose heartfelt introduction to the book is inspirational, motivational, and makes the book even that much more special.
Get it! Read it! Then, inform others of its existence. It is important for all to know the information Minister Farrakhan is disseminating through his digital armada.
[The Teachings 2.0: Twitter Sayings of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan – ISBN 978-1-929594-00-9, Publisher: The FCN Publishing Company, 192 Pages, Perfect bound. Order at http://tinyurl.com/knqloes]