If You Can Eat It, Put It On Your Face!
Egg Whites
Egg whites are effective in drawing up oil from problematic areas. After removing make-up or grim with soap or a cleansing lotion, separate the yolk from the white as you would when baking a cake. Use a cotton swab to apply the egg white to the blemish and, usually within 24 to 48 hours you will notice an improvement.
Mix up a bowl of oatmeal and allow it to cool. Spread the oatmeal on your face evenly and cover it with a clean, damp washcloth for 15 minutes. Wash off. Repeat this process each day for a week (severe acne).
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Vinegar or Lemon Juice
Vinegar and lemon juice contain natural acidic properties that dry up oil and kill bacteria. After soaking a cotton ball in vinegar or lemon juice, apply to face or affected area.
[For medical concerns, Consult your physician.]