One-On-One with Demetric Muhammad
Ebony S. Muhammad (EM): You, along with Dr. Wesley Muhammad, Student Minister Anthony Muhammad and Student Minister Robert Muhammad, recently hosted The Spiritual Boot Camp: Defending Point Number 12 (Muslim Beliefs; Back page of The Final Call Newspaper) in Philadelphia, PA. What was the origin of The Spiritual Boot Camp and its presenters? Why must there be a defense of Point Number 12?
Demetric Muhammad (DM): We began several years ago in Houston Texas. Student Minister Robert Muhammad who leads the Southwest Region of the NOI invited a group of presenters who had presented on this subject at Saviours’ Day. It included myself, student minister Anthony Muhammad of Memphis, and Dr. Wesley Muhammad.
(L to R – Bros. Demetric, Wesley, Robert, Anthony)
A defense of Point No. 12, in terms of argumentation, would be classified as being a part of a larger apologetics movement within the NOI. The goal is to vindicate the Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The Leader of this Movement is none other than the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. It is his ministry, which is best characterized by its beauty, force and sound arguments that is the catalyst for those of us that are writing books and doing lectures from his initial inspiration.
NOI Apologetics is necessary because the NOI’s Teachings and beliefs have been mocked, ridiculed and dis-respected by many. Therefore, this movement that has begun under the canopy of Minister Farrakhan’s inspiration and direct involvement is very important. An argument can be made that Defending Point No. 12 is an activity that we have undertaken, that of all our activities, will most drastically affect the survival of the NOI into the future
EM: The reality of God, His Person, is not a subject that is widely mentioned much less taught on in other religious institutions (especially in Christianity); however there are universities that offer degrees on religious studies such as theophany, the appearance of God in, through or to man. Why is there such confusion on God being a man when it clearly states such in scripture (Bible and Holy Quran)?
DM: The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 14:33 that God is not the author of confusion. So from the view of scripture, confusion in religion is the ‘brain-child’ and strategy of the enemy of God-Satan. Even the Holy Qur’an records the devil or Iblis saying that he would lie in wait for those in the straight path of Allah (God) and would encircle them on all sides with deception.
So deception and confusion are powerful tools that the wicked who dominate the ”high places” of academia, government, entertainment and economics use among a larger and larger illiterate mass of humanity to lengthen the period of time where profit can be made through the sin and lawlessness of humanity.
If God is proven to the people to be a man, this lifts in the minds of the people to the ceiling of just what is possible for man and woman to accomplish. This teaching is actually the seed idea of the universally prophesied revolution when the people rise to serve God and reject the oppressors and tyrants in their quest to replace God with themselves in the minds of humanity.
EM: Not only does the Spiritual Boot camp teach and defend that God is a man, but is a Black man who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad. Our conviction of this point is 82 years old with a track record to bear witness to the above. However, there are still many who reject this and make mockery mostly out of ignorance. Do you and the other panelists plan to take this Spiritual Boot camp to churches and masjids, conventions and universities to shed light on the misconceptions, contradictions and straight falsehoods intertwined within the Bible? What has the response been like from those who attend the seminars who are not in the Nation of Islam?
DM: We will accept an invitation to travel to present our findings and share knowledge with our people. Those that have attended have expressed their excitement and gratitude over what they have learned. The Spiritual Boot camp has been described as an introduction, orientation and revival all in one. We definitely seek the widest of possible audience for our work, as it is a joy for us and we are confident that we can share that joy with any and all who will listen.
EM: You’re also a member of the Nation of Islam Research Department. Why is it important for us to be able to take these compilations of studies, such as The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews (Vol. 1 and 2), as critical points for defending and teaching what we believe as it relates to the reality of God and our relation to Him?
DM: It is important, because Black people and all of humanity have lived and labored under falsehood. The Bible in Revelation 12:9 says “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world.” This global deception has caused most people to live in such a way where they never fulfill their tremendous human potential. Falsehood causes the human being to practice self-negation as a way of life. So truth and right guidance is of vital importance today.
Again, if it can be proven to the people that God has come and manifested Himself in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, Blacks can then see themselves as the fulfillment of Biblical and Quranic scripture and begin to act as the People of God and not as we have been acting which is as the People of The Curse (of Ham). Our bad behavior, our savage displays, our criminal acts are all outgrowths of what we believe about God and ourselves. Minister Farrakhan teaches that if we can change the Black people’s belief about God and Self, you can reform what we see of self-destructive behavior in the streets today.
EM: You recently released a publication entitled, When You Get Into Trouble Nurse From Your Holy Quran: Pastoral & Spiritual Help for Muslims. How are you enabling the readers to utilize the Holy Quran in a way to provide comfort, wisdom, and guidance when they find themselves in need? What are the components of the book and can it also be a tool for studying the Holy Quran?
DM: The title of the book comes from guidance and advice given to Minister Farrakhan by the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. Therefore, we thought that based on the suffering of Muslims in America and English speaking countries after the events and propaganda of 9/11, a tool should be developed using the Hon. Elijah Muhammad’s advice to Minister Farrakhan, that would pull together in one volume all of the pastoral themes of the Holy Qur’an.
Islam is characteristically a religion known for its great emphasis on the acquisition of knowledge. But rarely is it that Islam or the Holy Qur’an is seen as pastoral or therapeutic. This volume takes a thematic study of the Qur’an’s pastoral message and compiles them together in one place. These verses when viewed this way strengthen, console, and minister unto the Muslim during difficult times in his or her life.
Included in this volume are pastoral truths from the Bible’s Psalms and passages from many of the world’s great religious traditions. In addition to the ver batim Quranic ayats, we included much complimentary information from sayings and quotations, world scripture, hip-hop lyrics and the treasure of parables and moral stories.
It is a great book that I use personally to minister unto my own soul and is a ready resource for my ministry to other believing men and women. You ask if it is a tool to study the Holy Qur’an and I would answer yes. Yet, I really describe it as a tool to use the Holy Qur’an and to more accurately put the words of Allah to use in our day to day lives as believers.
Most believers, regardless of whatever their religion is, don’t really know how to use the word of God outside of worship service or some ritual performance. We know and can instantly recall the lyrics to our favorite songs or lines from our favorite movies. But ask us to recite our favorite passage of scripture and we draw a blank. Hence, when trouble arises in our journey through life, we often seek things outside of the very religions we profess to help us make it through. This is how otherwise faithful men and women drift into addictions of all types which can ruin their lives.
EM: Is there anything you would like to add as it relates to The Reality of God?
DM: No, but thank you for your courage to take on this subject in your magazine. I am grateful for the opportunity to communicate with your readers in this way. My prayers and support are with you in what is a timely and necessary endeavor for our community. Hurt2Healing is a very inspirational magazine. And inspiration is to the mind what respiration is to the body-vitally necessary!
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EM: All Praise is Due to Allah! It was and always is an honor to have you on. Thank you for your time and words.
How may the readers contact you and order the above publication as well as others?
DM: I can be reached via email at
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