I’m sure we have all endured some trials that we have considered hard. Trials that didn’t last long that we overcame through the Grace of God. Then one’s that were, or are, currently a long process.
The long trials seem to be the toughest ones doesn’t it?
If you had to think of one of the biggest trials that we deal with in today’s society, the one that is not only a lot of pressure for the young, but also for the men and women in the world today. What would be your pick?
Would it be….
1) Dealing with those who are prejudice or racist against you?
2) Acceptance of your personal beliefs from peers and/or others?…….OR….is it..
3) Sexual Temptation?
All three of these examples are good ones in my opinion, well, not “good ones” 😉 but baaaaad good ones :). I believe as a soldier of God, the one that is more relevant or is more tough to deal with in today’s world, is sexual temptation. My personal experience is that it’s so many downsides to it, when pressing to accomplish the assignments God has for me, when given into sexual temptation (or temptations period).
Once we realize there’s no escaping the world, we HAVE to live in it, but we don’t have to be LIKE THE WORLD. That will change our way of acting and thinking.
All of us are dealing with the long trial of sexual temptation. Especially those that are soldiers of God. The enemy wants to kill, steal and destroy, and wants to distract those that’s working to build the Kingdom of God. He’s on the prow everywhere!
Places such as our job, schools and even at SOME CHURCHES!
Being a Gospel Recording artist/singer-songwriter, my field of work is filled with temptations in different types of environments (venues) that I may be exposed to, because of work. The temptations attack me even more so when I’m not inviting that attempt, to cause me to fall short of my assignments.
I have dealt with setbacks in my past with each and every one of these examples, allowing a minor setback in my purpose God has for me. Getting closer to God through Christ Jesus, through the word, but then allowing temptations to creep in because of my flesh, my love for one of God’s special creations, THE WOMAN!
I had to figure it out…
A message was told to me that made the most perfect sense and I truly believe it will help you after you read what I’m about to say. If one of my goals is to fulfill one of the things that God loves the most, the unity of man and women, marriage. Then it’s certain things that I had to change, that I knew would also strengthen me in these trials of sexual temptations.
I had to get deeper in the word, reading and studying the bible daily, as well as staying in prayer. Another thing that helped was not dating so much or being so antsy (for lack of a better word lol) over women. Think of it this way, if you’re one to treat dating men or women like it’s a sport or fulfilling that sexual need with a man or a woman like it’s a sport; and you’re one that wants to get married in the future. When you do finally get married, don’t you think that it’s a possibility you’ll have those same urges of lusting over different men or women, you had before marriage?
It’s a way to eliminate that urge.
Besides the building a closer and stronger relationship with God, one of the things that helped me is just focusing on my assignments. Whether it’s encouraging, inspiring, music or training someone, I focus my energy on those things. Not so much on I have to find a woman or things of that nature.
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If I do find someone, I’ve learned to focus on that person and that person only. No need for me to try and get to know three or four other women, because my ultimate goal, other than doing my part in building the kingdom of God, is marriage.
So by me focusing on that one woman, it is training me to be able to do it when married :). Which in result, helps to bury my trials of sexual temptation when I’m supposed to be focused on the assignments God wants me to do.
Grace and Peace to you, God Bless.
– LaVell
Follow on Twitter @TheMalachite
Download his work @ http://lavellthemalachite.com/free-music/