The decision has been made and America has chosen President Barack Obama to serve a second term, now the real work begins. During the past 18 months of campaigning, numerous issues that directly and indirectly affect the U.S. citizens are back up for discussion. However, is it possible that we are expecting too much from the one occupying the seat of the POTUS in resolving those issues? Have we placed too much power and responsibility in the hands of one person who may or may not answer the concerns of the people and repair the condition of this country?
One father and member of the working class feels that the responsibility is not entirely on the shoulders of a single person, but is ultimately up to the individuals who demand to see the change within this country.
“We, as citizens, have a right to expect the government to act in the best accord for our citizen’s, but this is not the case and has never been the case in our history here in the United States. So I am not foolish enough to expect that to change with this election. Therefore, it’s up to me to build a future for my daughter and help to create a better future for her from the present I currently see and the past I have lived,” says Nazim Ansari.
If this is the case and we have more influence collectively as U.S. citizens over the circumstance we currently live under, what exactly is holding us back from making tremendous progress? We all believe that we live under a system of Democracy, a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Therefore, we have an equal say in the decisions that impact our lives, and we are in fact accountable for the condition we live under, not just the POTUS.
Robert Muhammad (@DotsConnector), Southwest Regional Representative of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan tweeted, “If at the end of the day, we don’t start acting like a sovereign people and not conquered sheep, then gov’t nor free enterprise can help u”, which speaks directly to our personal and collective power to take charge and utilize the influence we have as opposed to asking for permission to live better lives and build a progressive future for ourselves.
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So what is the first step in taking an active and proactive role in being the change we want to see in our community and country? Unity and a clear vision of where we want to be and what we desire to become. We determine our legacy!
–ebony s. muhammad