“Greg Abdul Rahman” (Remark #1) – “Dietary Deception: It’s Time to Break Old Slave Habits”
You believe in Fard Muhammad….glad you said it….now if only you would quit lying and calling yourself a Muslim. Negro Nazis believe in Fard (the indian convict).
Muslims believe in Allah, WHO HAS NEVER BEEN A MAN.
And two are not the same. Please be honest and quit calling yourself something you are not.
Dr. Akili Muhammad (Response) :
I consider myself a young man but I have been around long enough to know that when people start calling names, it is because they don’t have the intelligent ability to respond appropriately! They usually revert to angry emotional tirades. I will respond to your post with intelligence and if you continue with the attempt to continue on such a low level, you will be ignored. If you wish to have a conversation that ALLAH would be pleased with and may help us both grow, I am certainly open!
Min. Louis Farrakhan has taught us through the Teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad that the Arabic language is one of the most, if not the most, scientific and exact languages on the planet. So in this precise language ALLAH is referred to as He, Him, included in We. That precise language is used on this planet only for members of the animal species. I would hope that you would agree that ALLAH is not an animal, so that only leaves man.
Sura 7:195 Have they feet with which they walk, or have they hands with which they hold, or have they eyes with which they see, or have they ears with which they hear? Say: Call upon your associate-gods then plot against me and give me no respite.
Based on your comments, I’m assuming you are attempting to diminish my being a Muslim in comparison to you. So being that Ramadan is currently being practiced, would you consider your statements arguing in the best manner? Would you consider your comment that becoming of a Muslim or a good example of one? In this Quran verse, what, other than humans can be being described? Only humans can walk, hold, see and hear!!! Prior to you responding, make sure you return to the Holy Quran and read this verse in context!
Sura 19:42 When he said to his sire: O my sire, why worshippest thou that which hears not, nor sees, nor can it avail thee aught?
There you have 2 scriptures(ayats) in the Holy Quran which describe ALLAH as hearing, seeing, holding and walking. Since I am a physician and a scientist, I have been proven that Islam is mathematics and mathematics is Islam. The only things that walk, see, hear AND TALK are humans and ALLAH just happens to be the Supreme Human Being on the planet. So Min. Louis Farrakhan teaches and is considered a scholar by most Arab Muslim countries and he learned from the Hon. Elijah Muhammad who we Believe and Know met with ALLAH in the person of Master Fard Muhammad!!!
All intelligent responses are welcomed and will be replied to!
As Salaam Alaikum!!
Louis Farrakhan (aka Minister Negro Hitler) is a hate monger and an anti-semite. You should be ashamed. Black people in America have been going backwards for the last 50 years since MLK died, and the best you can do is brag about how much you love the American Negro Nazi movement, which has accomplished NOTHING during the last 50 years. Their only claim to fame is they killed Malcolm. Yet here you are bragging and shaking negro Hitler’s hand and talking about how wonderful the negro nazis are. It’s people like you and what you are doing that put us in our present regressing state in black America. The way you pick friends, you might as well paint a target on the backs of all our young black boys.
Ebony S. Muhammad (Response):
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. I bear witness there is no God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Messenger.
As-Salaam Alaikum (Peace Be Unto You),
Mr. Greg Abdul Rahman:
I presume that you were directing your comments toward the writer of this article (Rev. Bruce Sutchar) who is a wonderful supporter of the Nation of Islam. However, since you took it upon yourself to make these comments on my magazine website, I will address you directly and answer your questions and remarks.
I find it very interesting that NONE of your accusations are backed by facts in the form of research articles, audios or videos, and for that reason it is quite apparent that you are utterly confused or knowingly participating in malicious attacks. I could very well leave my comments at that and demand you prove what you claim, but since I’m in a giving mood, allow me to clear things up for you.
You said:
“Louis Farrakhan (aka Minister Negro Hitler) is a hate monger and an anti-semite.”
First of all, Hitler was a war veteran and practiced violent killings and attacks such as the Jewish Holocaust where men, women and children were murdered in some of the most gruesome ways. Hilter also led invasions such as in Poland, which lead to the beginning of WWII. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has NEVER incited violence, murdered anyone much less an entire group of people. He has never served in any attacks, any forms of violence, invasions or wars. Therefore, your poor attempt at comparing Minister Farrakhan to Hitler is without substance and is evidence that you are misinformed, uninformed or both.
On the back of every Final Call Newspaper, you will find The Muslim Program, in particular Point No. 10 of What the Muslims Believe, which states: “WE BELIEVE that we who declare ourselves to be righteous Muslims, should not participate in wars which take the lives of humans. We do not believe this nation should force us to take part in such wars, for we have nothing to gain from it unless America agrees to give us the necessary territory wherein we may have something to fight for.”
Since America has yet to meet this condition of giving us territory where we would have something to fight for, we, the Nation of Islam and Minister Farrakhan have NEVER partaken in any wars OR the act of violence or taking lives which Hitler was notorious for. Nor would we EVER commit such crimes against anyone!
Furthermore, in the Holy Quran it states:
“And fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you but be not aggressive. Surely Allah loves not the aggressors.” — Holy Quran: Chapter 2, Verse 190.
Minister Farrakhan nor the Nation of Islam have ever been aggressors in any form or fashion. We do not have any history of violence or aggression. If you still don’t believe me prove it, and in the meantime here’s some PROOF that we are Peace Makers!
You say that Minister Farrakhan is a “hate monger” and an “anti-semite”. Prove it! As a matter of fact, I’ll help you out with attaining clarity on words you are obviously unfamiliar with using correctly.
Below is the best and most concise response to this false charge. It is the transcript from the 52 week lecture series The Time and What Must be Done, Part 19 “Will the Real Anti-Semite Please Stand Up!” If you would like to watch the video, be my guest. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZG9sz9BDjk).
I encourage you watch “It’s a Trick, We Always Use It.” (calling people “anti-Semitic”) if you want to hear it from their mouths.
I also encourage you to take a look at this document, the key points from the Secret Relationships Between Blacks and Jews.
THIS you will NEVER be able to refute!
You said:
“You should be ashamed. Black people in America have been going backwards for the last 50 years since MLK died, and the best you can do is brag about how much you love the American Negro Nazi movement which has accomplished NOTHING during the last 50 years.”
With every step forward that Blacks in America have made with our unity, leadership and productivity it has been vehemently countered by White Supremists and organizations such as COINTELPRO/FBI.
Here is a lovely piece for you to check out regarding their long history of tactics to attempt to hinder the progress of Blacks in America that addresses Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was also plagued by these same groups. Matter of fact I’ll raise you 50 more years to 100!CLICK HERE.
I’ve already addressed your frivolous “American Negro Nazi” claims, so I’ll move on.
You claim that the Nation of Islam, or as you have erroneously labeled us, “American Negro Nazis”, have accomplished nothing in the past 50 years. Again, your remarks are made without any facts! Let me help you. Here are just a few of our accomplishments that go back not only 50 years but 83 years! CLICK HERE. By the way, how many lives have YOU saved? How many cities have YOU promoted peace in? How many followers do YOU have, not only in American but over the entire world? How many Black men have YOU called to the Capitol and 2 million show up? Can YOU match that? How many Farms and Factories do YOU have? How many jobs have YOU created?
Moving on…
You say:
“Their only claim to fame is they killed Malcolm.”
Sigh…Here we go again… CLICK > FBI COINTELPRO & The Murder of Malcolm X!
You say:
“Yet here you are bragging and shaking negro Hitler’s hand and talking about how wonderful the negro Nazis are. It’s people like you and what you are doing that put us in our present regressing state in black America. The way you pick friends, you might as well paint a target on the backs of all our young black boys.”
I see you use the possessive pronoun “our” as to infer you are a Black man, and if that is indeed the case, you are in a very sad condition and state of mind if you honestly believe that the Nation of Islam and Minister Farrakhan are responsible for any regression in Black America. And the target on the backs of young black boys was placed by, again, White Supremists… here are some photos and report I’m sure you may have heard a little bit about. CLICK > Trayvon Martin! Here’s a video just in case you need a stronger visual!Oscar Grant! Here’s another piece just in case the first two weren’t clear enough. Jordan Davis! And since you like to bring up cases from 50 years ago, here you are. Emmett Till!
Mr. “Greg Abdul Rahman”, I pray that this clears your confusion and sooths the mental blunt force trauma you are clearly a victim of. Here is a direct link to our National website for you to study and attain Actual Facts about who the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan is and who the Nation of Islam is. (http://www.noi.org)
I would also like to invite you to watch and share the weekly lecture series which contains a great deal of clarity,http://www.noi.org/thetime that airs every Saturday at 6 PM CST. If this was indeed a deliberate malicious attack on Min. Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, it was a FAIL!
Thank you, and I leave you as I came before you in the greeting words of Peace,
As-Salaam Alaikum (Peace Be Unto You)!
Ebony S. Muhammad