Ebony S. Muhammad (EM): Please share a little bit about yourself and a brief history of your organization Blogging While Brown. How and under what circumstances was it established? How were you introduced to social media and blogging?
Gina McCauley (GM): Blogging While Brown was founded seven years ago when the social media space looked very different. Using tools such as Google AdWords Specialist
was unheard of and we had to make our content as attractive as possible if we wanted someone to read it. We were the first conference to attempt to bring Black bloggers together on a national and international level.
I founded the conference, because at the time Black bloggers were very unhappy with their representation at some of the larger social media and technology [conferences] at the time. My philosophy is to never beg people to take my money, and if someone isn’t meeting your needs and expectations at a conference- start your own. I just thought it was going to work, and 7 years later it’s grown into something amazing and beautiful.
Blogging changed my life and social media impacts the lives of Black people in every area; health and wellness, politics and culture. It is important that Black people control their own images and be full participants in the digital age. Blogging While Brown plays an essential role in that process by emphasizing technical mastery along with strengthening relationships that are the bedrock of social networks and collaboration and it’s great for those who are interested in using something like this HostGator vs Siteground article from Inlinehostblogger to help their voices be heard throughout the blogging sphere.
EM: In a society where journalism; radio, internet and television news outlets were once dominated by White males, we see more Black and Brown faces and voices streaming. According to Techcrunch.com, twice as many Blacks use Twitter than their White counterparts, Blacks dominate Instagram and women dominate Facebook. This community has embraced the digital world, with many savvy about how an seo site audit can help boost their viewership amongst other means. Why do you believe there has been such a turn of representation of the distribution of information and what does this indicate for the future of news outlets in America and all over the world?
GM: Black people like technology. We also consume content at higher levels in almost every other type of media. Yet what’s important that we not only consume content or hand away our content for free, we also need Black digital media content creators and that’s why Black bloggers are so important. We like gadgets. And while we are not a monolith, we have cultural bedrocks that unify us. Community is a big part of the Black experience in America so it makes sense that we would continue that quest for community online.
EM: There are many who don