In case you missed my official podcast review of “The Teachings 2.0 Podcast” hosted by Brother Abdul Qiyam Muhammad, I want to direct your attention here for a moment!
I guarantee that the following playlist is THE most spiritually rich, motivational and inspiring you will ever lend your ears to.
If you’re new to The Teachings 2.0 Podcast, it is set to celebrate its 1-year anniversary this coming May. So you have some catching up to do!
This post is to simply offer you the current episodes in an easy-to-binge format (you’re welcome)!
Whether you’re experiencing a challenge or triumph at this moment, this podcast will give you exactly what your soul craves by connecting you with your Source of Strength by way of the words and music from The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Along with that are personal testimonies and unique one-on-one accounts by Brother Abdul Qiyam Muhammad, who serves as Minister Farrakhan’s Social Media Strategist.
Enjoy and be sure to subscribe and share!
This podcast is inspired by The Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad as Taught by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Since 2011, Minister Farrakhan has answered over 5,000 questions from his Twitter and Facebook followers. You will hear answers from Minister Farrakhan to questions from released and unreleased volumes of “The Teachings 2.0” book series, unique commentary and interviews on Religion & Spirituality, Health & Wellness, Marriage and Family, Youth, Education & Leadership, Business Economics, World Affairs and more. We also play track from Minister Farrakhan’s 7 CD music project titled “Let’s Change The World”.⠀⠀
Subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify and more now to get new episodes as they become available!⠀⠀⠀